Stormwater Rectification

At TGPS, we understand the importance of maintaining a properly functioning stormwater system to protect your property from potential water damage. Our team of skilled professionals is here to provide comprehensive stormwater rectification solutions that address any issues with your system, ensuring its optimal performance and longevity.

Our Stormwater Rectification Services include:

  1. Inspection and Assessment:
    • Our experts will conduct a thorough inspection of your stormwater system to identify any existing problems or potential areas of concern.
    • We will assess the overall condition of pipes, drains, gutters, and downspouts to determine the most effective rectification measures.

  2. Blocked Drain Clearing:
    • If you’re experiencing blockages in your stormwater drains, our team will utilize specialized equipment to clear them efficiently.
    • We employ high-pressure jetting and CCTV viewing techniques to locate and remove obstructions, restoring the proper flow of water.

  3. Pipe Repairs and Replacements:
    • Damaged or deteriorated stormwater pipes can lead to leaks, bursts, or reduced system efficiency.
    • Our skilled technicians are experienced in repairing or replacing damaged sections of stormwater pipes, ensuring a robust and reliable system.

  4. Tree Root Intrusion Removal:
    • Tree roots seeking moisture can infiltrate stormwater pipes, causing blockages and structural damage.
    • We employ advanced techniques to remove tree roots and restore the integrity of your stormwater system, preventing further complications.

  5. Installation of Stormwater Diverters:
    • If your property experiences excessive stormwater runoff, we can install stormwater diverters to redirect and manage the flow.
    • Our team will assess your property’s specific requirements and install diverters that effectively channel excess water away from vulnerable areas.

  6. Downpipe and Gutter Repairs:
    • Damaged or poorly functioning downpipes and gutters can result in water accumulation and potential water damage.
    • We offer comprehensive repair and maintenance services for downpipes and gutters, ensuring proper drainage and water flow.

  7. Installation of Stormwater Grates and Covers:
    • To prevent debris, leaves, and other contaminants from entering your stormwater system, we can install durable grates and covers.
    • These protective measures ensure the longevity and efficiency of your stormwater infrastructure.

  8. System Upgrades and Modifications:
    • If your existing stormwater system requires upgrades or modifications to meet current standards or accommodate changing needs, we’ve got you covered.
    • Our team will assess your requirements and implement the necessary changes to enhance the functionality and performance of your stormwater system.

  9. Regular Maintenance and Cleaning:
    • To ensure the ongoing efficiency and effectiveness of your stormwater system, we offer regular maintenance and cleaning services.
    • Our team will schedule periodic inspections, cleanings, and maintenance tasks to proactively address any potential issues and keep your system in top shape.

At TGPS, we prioritize customer satisfaction, quality workmanship, and attention to detail. We have the expertise and resources to handle all your stormwater rectification needs, from minor repairs to comprehensive system overhauls. Trust us to deliver reliable and efficient solutions that protect your property from the damaging effects of improper stormwater drainage. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and experience the difference we can make for your stormwater system!